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TGBOILER is shipping skid-mounted type WNS2-1.25-Y(Q) 2tons/h gas fired steam boiler to Saudi Arabia.

January 20, 2021

TGBOILER is shipping skid-mounted type WNS2-1.25-Y(Q) 2tons/h gas fired steam boiler to Saudi Arabia that be used in food industry. The advantage of the skid-mounted type boiler is installation-free, commissioning-free. Our company finished the all installation that all system skid-mounted on the movable platform before the shipment, also done the commissioning. After arriving user's site, just connect the boiler to water/ electricity/ fuel, then user can use the boiler directly. And the size of the boiler is in line with the size of the container, and transportation is very convenient. If you’re prefer this type boiler, please let we know.

Henan Taiguo Boiler Manufacturing Co., Ltd.